Too broke to attend live music concerts these days? Join the club. And all hail Jack White.
The critically acclaimed musician has announced a "short acoustic tour" in five lucky states across the nation. The show will be announced day of, and tickets will be first come, first serve. Oh, and they'll be $3 each. Yes. You read that correctly: three dollars to see Jack White.
This is particularly welcome news in an era of increasingly exorbitant ticket prices—the result, in large part, of declining CD sales forcing artists to pick up the slack with live shows, and money-grubbing conglomerates like Clear Channel Communications taking over the market. As a result, it's not uncommon to be asked to pay hundreds to see a star—or, if you want to go VIP, more than a thousand. Three-dollar tickets are a nice way to bring live music back to people who simply can't afford it anymore.
On the downside, White's shows comes with the caveat that he'll be taking a break from performing "for a long period of time" once the performances are wrapped. Hey, at least you can wipe away your tears with the extra cash you won't be dropping to see him.